Real Estate Wholesaling Secrets
Here’s something 95% of your competition doesn’t know.
You’re seeking out motivated sellers that need to sell, not want to sell. Real Estate sellers that are not motivated will not provide any profit margin for you. You need to find motivated sellers to buy houses from and reliable cash buyers to sell these wholesale deals to. The places to find these include properties involved in estate sales, people with illness, angry landlords, and houses in disrepair to name a few. It’s best to screen out the unmotivated sellers because if you don’t you’ll be wasting your time. And in this business time is money! When your seller says “I just want to get rid of this property” and “I’m tired of holding onto this property” that means your in business they are motivated. If your seller says “We just want to upgrade to something bigger” ir “I’m just testing the market right now” then you should probably move on.
The Deal Is DEAD without an Investor Cash Buyer
In order to be successful at wholesaling houses, you need to build up a huge list of investors that are cash buyers that you can market and sell your wholesale properties too. This can be done by attending REIA meetings, auctions and construction sites to name a few. These are three great places to start building your investor cash buyers list.
The Power of the Internet
The days where you can be a successful business owner off the internet is coming to the end my friend. If you want to be a successful real estate wholesaler you better learn how to use social media platforms, craigslist, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and whatever comes next. If you don’t do this you’re losing a lot of business. Most potential homeowners, investor cash buyers and potential motivated sellers will be going to the internet before anywhere else.
Wholesaling is a RISK FREE way to get started in Real Estate
Only the end cash buyer takes the risk with the property. People who wholesale real estate are never the final buyers. Additionally, wholesaling houses requires no credit, no income and very little experience to actually flip a house. The only thing required is a small earnest deposit that could be as little as one dollar if the deal is structured correctly. This makes wholesaling houses very appealing to the new real estate investor, as it’s very easy to get into.
Wholesaling real estate is the perfect way to start off your house flipping career. You learn how everything is done with absolutely no risk. I highly recommend you start your real estate investing career in the wholesaling real estate arena. Over 85% of my business is wholesaling right now and I’m a seasoned real estate investor.
I”ll See you at the closing table,
Marcel Umphery the “R.E.I. Successmaker”