Opportunities in Today’s Real Estate Market
Where are the top real estate investment opportunities in today’s real estate market?
We’re now in an environment that makes real estate investing even more attractive and competitive than ever before.
So what are the best strategies to implement right now?
Which types of properties should you invest in?
The Current Real Estate Landscape
So where exactly is the US real estate market now, and where is it heading?
The U.S. real estate market began correcting itself in 2007. This wave of correction
started first hitting the sizzling markets like Miami, Florida. Depending on the market your located in; it probably hit bottom between 2008 and 2012. U.S. markets were just seeing massive waves of foreclosure cycles through the legal system and repossession process. Once markets level out again historic data shows they tend to trend upwards for an average of 7 to 15 years. Then they traditionally correct themselves, before going even higher. But again; remember that each location is unique down to the individual property. Providing real estate investors know their cycles, know the signals, and make their money when they buy; it’s always a good time to invest.
Types of Real Estate Investment Strategies to Use Now
Here are some of the real estate investment strategies that can work now, and have been proven to work throughout the good and bad times…
• Wholesaling Real Estate
• Buying and Holding cash flowing rental properties
• Buying and holding Land
• Fixing and Flipping houses
• Investing in Mortgage Debt
• Local Government Foreclosures
• Lease Options
The key to success is sticking to sound investment principles, and never compromising on common sense and proven business principles. Speculation is what will land you in trouble eventually.
Types of Real Estate Opportunities to Invest In Now
There are numerous types of properties available to investors today including:
• Single family detached homes
• Row homes
• Condos
• Raw land and vacant lots
• Vacation rental properties
• Multifamily apartment buildings
• Foreclosures, REOs, and short sales
• Commercial properties
• Failed or stalled construction projects
• Mobile and manufactured homes
Media outlets love posting ‘the new hotspot’ to invest in, or what’s hot now in the real estate market. The truth is that these stories are often out of date by the time they are published. It’s like trying to pick and time stocks like Warren Buffett by replicating what he did a year ago. That’s clearly not going to work, and is why the smart investors profit from, acting first and simply making sound real estate investments that work all the time. Depending on when you read this you can use the data available to know what point in the cycle you are really at, and how to invest accordingly. Know your market, know your data, and make your money when you buy, and you’ll do well, all the time.
I”ll See you at the closing table,
Marcel Umphery the “R.E.I. Successmaker”