Marcel Umphery (real estate investor, coach, mentor, consultant, and philanthropist)

knew from an early age that real estate, entrepreneurship, and business would be his vehicle to change lives. The vision for his company started as a young child when both of his parents instilled leadership and entrepreneurship in him. Due to the drug epidemic of the 1980’s, the illegal house flipping of the 90’s, Baltimore, Maryland, urban metro communities and markets around the United States took heavy economic and financial hits.

These tough times ultimately resulted in tens of millions of vacant properties around the United States. Experiencing this firsthand, Marcel made it his mission for his company to change lives and neighborhoods one home at a time. Marcel Umphery started his real estate investing career while attending Morgan State University where he majored in Physical Education with a concentration in Sports Administration graduating in 2006.

After receiving his financial aid refund check and investing it in tax sale certificates, Marcel purchased his first tax lien certificate for just $850.79. Eighteen months later, he gained ownership of the property and sold the property a few months later for a $25,000 dollar profit. That initial investment in himself, in 2002, gave Umphery the start-up capital needed to start his company all while still working part-time for the Social Security Administration and juggling being a full-time college student in Baltimore, Maryland.

Umphery has invested in a variety of market cycles and has experienced ups and downs in the real estate industry.

 Since 2002, his company and students have purchased, rehabbed, wholesaled, leased out and sold over one hundred million dollars in real estate across the country. Mr. Umphery has shared his knowledge, wisdom, and systems with tens of thousands of novice beginner and seasoned veteran real estate investors throughout; sharing his specialized knowledge on Real Estate Investing, Tax Sale/Deed Investing, Rehabbing Houses, Buy & Hold, Raising Capital, and Wholesaling Houses.

Marcel is an author, mentor, coach, consultant and has trained on several real estate investor associations,

clubs, meetups, expos, and conventions sharing his real estate investing secrets. Umphery also takes pride in supporting local non-profit organizations that have a strong focus on developing youth into successful and productive citizens. For his work in the community, Marcel was recently awarded the prestigious Harlow Fullwood Award and has been featured in Black Enterprise Magazine as one of America’s “Young Wealth Builders” with a plan. When the deeds are signed and construction has commenced, Marcel Umphery’s ultimate plan is to continue to change lives through real estate…one house at a time creating GENERATIONAL wealth for not only his family but also yours.