Four Places to find Potential Motivated Sellers
Motivated Sellers = BIG PAY DAYS.
Here Are 4 Easy No B.S. methods to Find Motivated Sellers in your Marketplace
There are a lot of things that can turn a happy property owner into a disgruntled property owner. It might be the pipes bursting or the endless amount of repairs it seems to require to get the house or property into habitable condition. The property may be a rental property and the landlord has grown tired of dealing with tenant issues. Alternatively, the owner may be over-leveraged or could have run into some serious financial problems that have caused the house to be a bigger liability than a asset. Although these situations can suggest someone would be enthusiastic to sell their property, most people don’t like to expose these potentially embarrassing situations or admit they’re in any kind of trouble. So a question that is frequently asked is: How do I find these motivated sellers? Check out four ways that have worked for us in the past and currently below:
Garage/Yard/Estate Sales
Although this shouldn’t initially spell trouble, if you start seeing people selling all their furniture, and advertising a big moving sale, it could mean there’s a property for sale in the works. You don’t need to be too nosey, but be sure to ask a couple of friendly questions about where somebody is moving and why there moving. You’ll be surprised the information you”ll discover if asked correctly.
The Court House
You can find many leads at the courthouse whether it’s probate leads, foreclosure filings, foreclosure auctions or disgruntled landlords who are tired of their tenants in rent court. You’ll be amazed at how much information you will find at the courthouses in your area.
Anytime you see an advertisement for a big-ticket item, such as a ring or a hot tub, be sure to call and see if there’s anything else for sale. This could spell financial disaster or divorce, and someone may own a property(s) that they are more than willing to sell to you.
For Rent Advertisements and Signs
Not everyone is cut out to be a landlord and not everyone wants to be a landlord after a series of bad tenants. Phone each FOR RENT sign that you see and explain to the landlord that you are in the business of buying houses and you want to know if they’re interested in selling any of theirs. The worst that can happen is that they say NO. So what if they do add them on your investor cash buyers list. Ask them if they would be interested in buying more properties in that same exact neighborhood.
I”ll See you at the closing table,
Marcel Umphery the “R.E.I. Successmaker”