Posts for Uncategorized

House Flipping

House Flipping – How To Kick Self-Sabotaging Procrastination To The Curb

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 29, 2018

House Flipping – How To Kick Self-Sabotaging Procrastination To The Curb Whether shopping for a home, investing in real estate, flipping your first house or launching your new business, procrastination can be lethal. So how do you beat it? Procrastination – The Pinnacle of Self-Sabotage Sabotaging, destroying your own life,…

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Real Estate Investing

Real Estate Investing: 7 Buy Indicators To Keep An Eye On

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 29, 2018

Real Estate Investing: 7 Buy Indicators To Keep An Eye On What signals a good time to buy investment property? In real estate, as with any type of investment it can be confusing to understand why others are so bullish on buying and some are bear. The financial and mainstream…

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Creating Passive Income

Creating Passive Income and Investing in Real Estate is Crucial For Retirement

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 29, 2018

Creating Passive Income and Investing in Real Estate is Crucial For Retirement Investing in real estate is becoming an increasingly important source of income for those thinking about supplementing their incomes and retirements. Experts in the financial space are increasingly putting an emphasis on income when it comes to saving…

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Systems for Selling Houses

Systems for Selling Houses Quickly

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 29, 2018

Systems for Selling Houses Quickly The faster houses are sold lowers the risk and increases the net profits and liquidity for you the Real Estate Investor to move onto the next deal. List Rehabs with a Realtor/Real Estate Agent The most common resource for selling houses has traditionally been to…

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Most important factors for real estate investors

Goal Setting and Time Management for Real Estate Investors

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 29, 2018

Goal Setting and Time Management for Real Estate Investors Mastering goal setting and time management are two of the most important factors for real estate investors and real estate investing business owners to master. So how can you get better at mastering time, and effective goal setting? Effective goal setting…

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Rehabbing houses

Wholesaling & Rehabbing Houses

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 29, 2018

Wholesaling & Rehabbing Houses Both wholesaling and rehabbing houses are often referred to as flipping houses. But these are actually two very different real estate investment strategies. So what’s the difference, and which is right for you? Flipping Houses Flipping houses has been a way of life these days for…

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Buying and Holding real estate

Buy & Hold Real Estate Investment Strategies

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 29, 2018

Buy & Hold Real Estate Investment Strategies Buying and Holding real estate has become increasingly popular. So what types of properties and strategies are there for buy and hold investors to take advantage of today? Buy & Hold Real Estate Investing At the beginning of 2015 the United States homeownership…

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Real Estate Market

Opportunities in Today’s Real Estate Market

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 29, 2018

Opportunities in Today’s Real Estate Market Where are the top real estate investment opportunities in today’s real estate market? We’re now in an environment that makes real estate investing even more attractive and competitive than ever before. So what are the best strategies to implement right now? Which types of…

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Estate Dream Team

Building Your Real Estate Dream Team

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 29, 2018

Building Your Real Estate Dream Team Real Estate Investing is always better when you aren’t going it solo. So who should be on your real estate team? What’s the best way to recruit them? Whether you are planning on staying a solo real estate investor, or you’re planning on developing…

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Best Tax Saving Tool

Tax Strategies & IRA Investing

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 29, 2018

Tax Strategies & IRA Investing Taxes can either take a big bite out of your real estate investing profits, or be the edge that gives you elite returns. The key is having a great tax strategy, and leveraging tax saving tools like IRAs while you invest in real estate. I…

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