Posts for Uncategorized

Real Estate Agent Boot Camp Case Study

Reviews, Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - December 14, 2020

Real Estate Agent Boot Camp Case Study Marcel

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Mentor Monday Ep. 003: I Lost My Inheritance…

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - October 20, 2020

Mentor Monday Ep. 003: I Lost My Inheritance… By 21. I was financially illiterate and made some horrible mistakes with my money. There is no excuse for anyone to be financially illiterate in 2020 if you have access to the internet. Yes, you can say I was young and dumb.…

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Marcel Umphery Q & A Thursday: Where should I get started?

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - October 16, 2020

One of the most frequently asked questions I've received over the years...

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Case Study Tuesday Ep. 002 – Two Unit Walkthrough Pt. 1

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - October 15, 2020

Welcome back to Case Study Tuesday. During this episode, I walk you through an apartment in a 2 unit that I picked up using a direct mail piece. A new episode of Direct Mail Wednesday is coming soon! Marcel

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Direct Mail Wednesday Ep. 002 Gift or Curse?

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - October 15, 2020

Marcel Umphery Direct Mail Real Estate Investing If you own property from time to time you may receive some of these postcards in the mail from real estate investors looking to buy it. If the property is located in a hot area where sales and values are increasing you may…

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Mentor Mondays with Real Estate Investor Marcel Umphery: Failing Forward Ep. 002

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - October 15, 2020

I remember digging in and using painful experiences from the past as motivation to. move forward when I failed. Marcel

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Q&A Thursday Ep. 001: What would you tell yourself in 2002?

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - October 15, 2020

Was on a sales call today and Wade from Long Island, NY asked a really great question. Watch the video to listen to my answer. Marcel

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Direct Mail Wednesday: Ep. 001 The Breakdown

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - October 15, 2020

Direct Mail Marketing Marcel Umphery Welcome to Direct Mail Wednesday where I will share a little known secret that most real estate investors, small businesses, and entrepreneurs have abandoned. With the rise of the internet and social media marketing, many professionals have started neglecting the mailbox. However, this has created…

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Case Study Tuesday: My Tax Sale Certificate Real Estate Deal

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - October 7, 2020

Welcome to Case Study Tuesday, where I will share past, current, colleagues, and clients real estate investing deals, both good and bad. My goal with these stories I share with you is to add value and insight. Hey, while attending Morgan State University in 2002, I was reintroduced to the…

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Mentor Monday Episode 001

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - October 6, 2020

Welcome to Mentor Monday where I will inspire, motivate, educate, and plant seeds to help you become a successful real estate investor. I’m looking forward to pouring into those that will watch, listen, and take action with the real estate investing information that will be shared in the near future.…

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