Posts for Uncategorized

Best Cash Buyer

Can’t Find a Cash Buyer for your Wholesale Real Estate Deal?

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 5, 2018

Can’t Find a Cash Buyer for your Wholesale Real Estate Deal? Finding a seller is only half of the battle my friend in fact it’s pretty darn easy. If you don’t have a buyer you don’t have a deal. Luckily for you I have some effective strategies you can implement…

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Best Benefit

Benefits from Wholesaling Real Estate

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 5, 2018

Benefits from Wholesaling Real Estate Wholesaling real estate is a great vehicle for the person looking to get a career started in the world of real estate. You don’t need any experience to get started just drive and determination. Wholesaling real estate allows you to get your foot in the…

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Bandit signs can be deemed illegal

Bandit Sign Q&A

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 5, 2018

Bandit Sign Q&A Disclaimer: Bandit signs can be deemed illegal depending on marketplace and where you post them. I recommend that you do your own due-diligence by consulting with your attorney or looking up your city or counties code violation website. However post at your own risk this method can…

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Invest in Peace Ed James

Invest in Peace Ed James

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 5, 2018

Invest in Peace Ed James It’s not to often you see or read a blog post of one of your fellow house flipping comrades who passed away. I attended a funeral of ED James a.k.a. “The King of Dolfield” (in his early days). During the funeral the pastor asked the…

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Real Estate Wholesaling Success HACK

Real Estate Wholesaling Success HACK!

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - June 5, 2018

Real Estate Wholesaling Success HACK! Over the last 11 years helping people just like you become successful real estate investors it never fails to receive a ton of questions about the wholesaling houses niche. Two of the most consistent hurdles I see when I hear from new real estate wholesalers…

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Wealth Real Estate Investing

Freedom & Wealth Real Estate Investing Boot Camp Recap

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - May 28, 2018

Freedom & Wealth Real Estate Investing Boot Camp Recap If you were not in the Freedom & Wealth Real Estate Investing Boot Camp last weekend you missed an opportunity of a lifetime to get trained from A to Z on the art of investing in real estate from scratch. Students…

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Potential sellers service

Here’s Something 95% of Your Competition DOESN’T KNOW

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - May 28, 2018

Here’s Something 95% of Your Competition DOESN’T KNOW. Four Pillars to becoming a Successful Real Estate Wholesaler You’re finding motivated sellers, not houses Potential sellers that are not motivated will not sell you houses at deeply discounted prices that allow you to turn some of the equity spread into a…

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Two steps to closing your first Wholesale Deal

Two steps to closing your first Wholesale Deal

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - May 28, 2018

Two steps to closing your first Wholesale Deal I love watching David Blaine he takes it to the edge every time and 98% of the time manages to pull off his stunts and tricks successfully. Pulling off a profitable wholesale real estate deal in less than thirty to forty five…

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Tales from the Real Estate Investing Trenches

Tales from the Real Estate Investing Trenches: The Good, Bad and Ugly

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - May 28, 2018

Tales from the Real Estate Investing Trenches: The Good, Bad and Ugly A wise man once told me I would rather learn from someone that has already made all the mistakes instead of learning from someone who professes not to have made any. With that being said I’ve compiled a…

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Best credit score hard money

Hard Money Explained

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - May 28, 2018

What is Hard Money? Like many until I started investing in real estate I had never heard of Hard Money. A hard money loan is defined as a loan by which a borrower receives cash or funds that are secured by a piece of real estate. Typically hard money loans…

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