Posts for Uncategorized

Medical Professional Closes 1st Deal with Marcel Umphery

Reviews, Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - February 23, 2024

Medical Professional Closes 1st Deal with Marcel Umphery Marcel

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Great Grandson Renovations House Tour

Reviews, Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - April 5, 2022

Great Grandson Renovations House Tour Marcel

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Great Grandson Buys & Renovates and Flips Great Grandmas House

Reviews, Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - April 5, 2022

Great Grandson Buys & Renovates and Flips Great Grandmas House Marcel

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Masterclass Replay

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - April 5, 2022

Masterclass Replay Marcel

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Retired and Building a Real Estate Empire

Reviews, Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - April 5, 2022

Retired and Building a Real Estate Empire Marcel

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Busboy closes on two deals makes 5-figures

Reviews, Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - February 10, 2022

Busboy closes on two deals makes 5-figures Marcel

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Night Owl Chat 002

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - May 24, 2021

Night Owl Chat 002

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Night Owl Chat 001

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - May 24, 2021

Night Owl Chat 001

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Black Investor Marcel Umphery Discovers Frederick Douglass Real Estate Empire

Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - February 24, 2021

Black Investor Marcel Umphery Discovers Frederick Douglass Real Estate Empire. Worth Millions 126 years later. Since 2017 I’ve invested a considerable amount of time and money attending lectures, visiting monuments, museums, reading books, news articles from the 1800 and 1900s, property records, and speaking with two of his descendants. Frederick…

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Bus Boy Makes $16,000 Dollars Flipping a House

Real Estate Agents, Reviews, Uncategorized - Marcel Umphery - December 14, 2020

Bus Boy Makes $16,000 Dollars Flipping a House

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