Black Investor Marcel Umphery Discovers Frederick Douglass Real Estate Empire.
Worth Millions 126 years later. Since 2017 I’ve invested a considerable amount of time and money attending lectures, visiting monuments, museums, reading books, news articles from the 1800 and 1900s, property records, and speaking with two of his descendants. Frederick Douglass laid a foundation and blueprint for us to continue to learn from and build on regarding many social, civil, political, and economic forefronts. People like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, and Barack Obama adopted some of Douglass’s teaching and ideals during their respected movements.
President Barack and Michelle Obama are in the process of producing a Netflix BIOPIC on the life of Frederick Douglass based on a recently published book. I hope the OBAMA’s production team doesn’t skip over this intricate piece of history that had a HUGE impact during the UNDERGROUND RAILROAD and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1800s. Keep this conversation going, do your own research and discover more history about Douglass and our ANCESTORS.