Learn How to Cruise for Cash
I want to share with you a strategy that I use everyday and have been using since the beginning. I actually discovered this method by mistake. If you have been following me over the years or your one of the action takers that has possession of my wholesaling real estate manual then you already have heard the story of how I purchased my first house for $850.79. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard it yet I’m gonna let you in on some of it right now.
Around this time about 16 years ago I purchased a book from my local courthouse for only $4.00 dollars with a list of about one thousand properties all over Baltimore City. The list that I purchased was the local government foreclosure list of properties that weren’t bid on at auction basically the leftovers. This list gave anyone the opportunity to purchase these foreclosures pennies on the dollar. It felt a little like Christmas when I started looking through the book seeing the prices I could pay for a piece of real estate here in Baltimore, MD.
The moment I left the courthouse with that book I started driving around to the neighborhoods I was familiar with which wasn’t that many but I soon learned my entire city like the back of my hand. I also had the help of MapQuest back then which made it a lot easier to find properties of interest. During those days I would drive around looking at the houses on the local government foreclosure list but I started noticing houses that were vacant but not listed on the list or listed with a real estate agent or auctioneer. During that time I had not discovered wholesaling real estate but in the back of my mind I always wondered was there a way I could buy those houses too.
Here are six Cruising for Cash Wholesaling Real Estate ACTION steps straight out of my Manual below:
Now this is what I want you to do this weekend follow this step by step process and I guarantee you will experience results.
1. Pick a neighborhood your familiar with.
2. Take a partner if you can four eyes are better than two.
3. Take a notepad, voice recorder or voice memo on your smartphone.
4. Put your seatbelt on and hazard lights on.
5. Start looking for the following: boarded up houses, houses with high grass, no blinds in windows, phone books and mail piling up, fire damage basically a lifeless looking house.
6. Take down at least 20 addresses or more. Imagine if you take down 20 addresses for five straight days that’s 100 leads in 5 days.
I”ll See you at the closing table,
Marcel Umphery the “R.E.I. Successmaker”